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Erectile Dysfunction
Mike, Chicago
I prefer to call when I have questions but to use online chat is also helpful. I have already purchased goods on-line from other companies but was scared to buy drugs. Who knows what they can put in the parcel? When my package arrived I could not understand ...
When my mother got sick with diabetes I made a research on different sites as I wanted not only a high quality product but also not so high price. System of discounts at this site suited me very much so I did not hesitate to order.
Jerry, 57, Munich
“We were at the edge of divorce when I decided to try this. Years and years without delight of orgasm and sexual satisfaction. This could ruin any life but not ours. Viagra worked and I always keep the pill near my bed as nobody knows when my wife asks ...

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Calorie labels have small effect on eating habits - study
The policy was brought in two years ago in England to try to encourage healthier food choices.
Deaths of 56 babies at Leeds hospitals may have been preventable, BBC told
Two whistleblowers also believe the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust’s maternity units are unsafe.
Large UK-wide pandemic preparedness tests planned this year
The stress test will involve thousands of people to help the UK prepare for potential future threats.
Patients dying in hospital corridors, say nurses
The Royal College of Nursing details harrowing cases from more than 5,000 nurses across the UK.