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Peter, Wien
I have tried Viagra and Cialis before and must say that Levitra causes less side effects though. I had terrible headache with Viagra which made sex impossible sometimes. With Levitra I forgot about it. I would recommend it to anybody who has similar problems ...
Genazzini Florio, Calziocorte (Lecco), Italy
Everything is ok!! I got the medicines I was waiting for. Thanks for your help and keep up the good work!
Stephen Smith
When I placed an order for my granddad I gave his address and my phone and it took a bit longer to deliver the products because they phoned me and my granddaddy to check everything and I was nervous because of it. I understand that they work like this ...

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Hospitals experience busiest week of winter so far
More than 98,000 patients fill hospital beds, as vomiting-bug cases continue to rise in England.
'Suicide website users encouraged our teen son to drink poison'
Reeling from Vladimir's death, his family reveal the harrowing risks of a website obsessed with dying.
Women with endometriosis earn less, research shows
Researchers suggest that following diagnosis, women may take lower-paid jobs or work fewer hours.
NHS review into killer's care finds major failings
Valdo Calocane was given a hospital order for killing Ian Coates, Barnaby Webber and Grace O'Malley-Kumar in 2023.