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Isabella from Rome
I want to recommend Ayurslim to everybody. I have fought with my extra weight for years using different waist trimmers and belts but with these caps I understood that what I need is just to eat less. I almost do not feel hunger and put off weight natural ...
David Rochester, Oxford-United Kingdom
Hi, I’m pleased to tell you my order arrived yesterday. Many thanks for you help!
Geoffrey, Rolling Meadows
My apologies. I did not know the items were sent separately. I received the second envelope yesterday. Thank you for your help and support.

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Health regulator not fit for purpose - Streeting
The health secretary says he is stunned by failings in inspecting hospitals, GPs and care homes in England.
‘I’m stuck in a prison’: Disabled and trapped in hospital for 10 months
No suitable home has been found in the community for the 36-year-old, who is disabled.
TikTok midwife: ‘Jealous colleagues bullied me out’
The former midwife at Bristol's Southmead Hospital is suing for constructive unfair dismissal.
Shingles vaccine may help delay dementia - study
There is growing evidence that a vaccine against shingles may also protect against dementia.