0 POLOžKY - $0.00 Bonus: 2
Generic Hydrea (Hydroxyurea)
Hydrea is used to treat certain types of cancer or sickled red blood cells.
Zvolit Dávky: 500mg
Hydrea $96.00
$2.67 za pilulka
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $0.00
Hydrea $154.00
$2.13 za pilulka
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $32.40
Hydrea $206.00
$1.91 za pilulka
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $68.40
Hydrea $248.00
$1.72 za pilulka
+ Zdarma standardní doprava
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $114.00
Hydrea $448.00
$1.55 za pilulka
+ Free trackable courier service
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $268.80
Package Example
Vaše objednávka bude zabalena a odeslána do 24 hodin. To je přesně, jak bude zásilka vypadat (vid. obrázky výše). To má velikost a vzhled pravidelného soukromého dopisu (9.4x 4.3x0.3 palce nebo 24x11x0.7 cm) a nepopisuje jeho obsah.
Čas doručení
Doprava 14-21 Dnů 10$ Sledování # k dispozici 4 Dnů
Zdarma standardní dopravní servis pro všechny objednávky se součtem nad $200
Doprava 5-9 Dnů 30$ Sledování # k dispozici 2 Dnů
Zdarma vystopovatelná služba pro všechny objednávky se součtem nad $300
Přeprava celosvětove Důvěrnost a záruka anonymity
Bezpečný a spolehlivý Discreet looking packages
Expedice objednávek do 24 hodin 100% uspěšnosť dodávky
Ohlasy Popis Produktu
Aktuálně nemáme pro tento produkt žádnou recenzi. Můžete být ale první, kdo ji přidá, nebo si můžete přečíst o podobných produktech na stránce s hodnocením.

Přidat Recenzi
Common use

Hydrea is used to treat certain types of cancer (melanoma, chronic myelocytic leukemia, cancer of the ovary, and primary skin cancer of the head and neck) or sickled red blood cells. Active ingredient of this drug is hydroxyurea. The exact mechanism of its action is unknown, it is supposed that it is cell cycle specific for the S phase of cell division, it interfere with synthesis of DNA, with no effect on synthesis of RNA or protein.

Dosage and direction

Take this potent medication exactly as prescribed. Drink plenty of water during treatment to assist your kidney to remove the drug from the blood and diminish side effects. The medicine may be taken with or without food. You may be advised by your doctor to poor the content of Hydrea capsule into a glass of water, if so mix it throughly and drink whole immediately. Do not touch or inhale the drug powder from the capsule. Even if such symptoms as nausea or vomiting appear, do not stop taking this medication. Contact your doctor if you are immediately vomiting after the dose. This drug may increase the risk of sickness and inflammation due to its effect on amount of blood cells which control immunity.


Before to take Hydrea consult your doctor if you are being treated with radiation therapy or are currently on interferon (Actimmune, Betaseron, Roferon, Intron, Infergen, Alferon, Rebetron, Rebif). Notify your doctor about diseases you have and especially about poor bone marrow function, liver disease, or kidney disease.


Do not take Hydrea if you are allergic to the components of the drug. This medicine is contraindicated in the patients with bone marrow depression (leukopenia or thrombocytopenia). This medicine may be harmful to an unborn baby. Do not take Hydrea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Possible side effect

Besides signs of allergic reaction such as facial swelling, skin rash and eruptions, hives, and pinpoint red spots on your skin Hydrea may cause skin ulcers, red patches, or darkened skin, symptoms of fever, flu, chills, white patches or sores inside your mouth or on your lips, body aches, nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, easy bruising or bleeding, unusual weakness.

Drug interaction

Do not start or stop treatment with any medication without your doctor's permission. Inform your health care advisor about all drugs, health products, vitamins, minerals, and supplement substances you are currently taking and especially about anti-cancer drugs, didanosine, stavudine, to treat gout.

Missed dose

Never take a double dose of this medication. If it is almost time of the next dose just skip the missed portion and continue to take the medicine according to the schedule.


Immediate medical help is needed if excessive amount of this drug was taken. Contact your doctor the soonest if somebody swallowed too much of Hydrea by chance or you suspect overdose. Symptoms of overdose are worsened side effects such as violet erythema, soreness, severe generalized hyperpigmentation of the skin, edema on palms and soles followed by scaling of hands and feet, and stomatitis.


Store Hydrea at room temperature between 20 and 25 C (68 and 77 F) away from moisture and heat.


We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.
Farya, Sacramento
Dnes jsem obdržela své prášky. Děkuji mnohokrát za vaši čestnost. Od nynějška budu vaší věrnou zákaznicí nejen já, ale rozhodně doporučím vaše služby také svým přátelům, kteří by mohli potřebovat vaše výrobky. Oceňuji vaše služby.
David Rochester, Oxford-Velká Británie
Zdravím, s potěšením bych vám rád řekl, že moje objednávka včera dorazila. Moc děkuji za vaši pomoc!
Tom, Clearwater
Musím se omluvit. Nevěděl jsem, že zboží bylo odesláno zvlášť. Druhý balíček jsem obdržel včera. Děkuji za vaši pomoc a podporu.
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