0 POLOžKY - $0.00 Bonus: 2
Flonase Nasal Spray (Fluticasone)
Flonase Nasal Spray
Flonase is used to treat inflammation, allergy, pruritus which appear in patients with allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema.
Zvolit Dávky: 50mcg
Flonase Nasal Spray $60.00
$49.99 za sprayer
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $0.00
Flonase Nasal Spray $154.00
$42.66 za sprayer
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $21.99
Flonase Nasal Spray $282.00
$39.17 za sprayer
+ Zdarma standardní doprava
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $64.92
Flonase Nasal Spray $385.00
$35.67 za sprayer
+ Free trackable courier service
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $128.88
Package Example
Vaše objednávka bude zabalena a odeslána do 24 hodin. To je přesně, jak bude zásilka vypadat (vid. obrázky výše). To má velikost a vzhled pravidelného soukromého dopisu (9.4x 4.3x0.3 palce nebo 24x11x0.7 cm) a nepopisuje jeho obsah.
Čas doručení
Doprava 14-21 Dnů 10$ Sledování # k dispozici 4 Dnů
Zdarma standardní dopravní servis pro všechny objednávky se součtem nad $200
Doprava 5-9 Dnů 30$ Sledování # k dispozici 2 Dnů
Zdarma vystopovatelná služba pro všechny objednávky se součtem nad $300
Přeprava celosvětove Důvěrnost a záruka anonymity
Bezpečný a spolehlivý Discreet looking packages
Expedice objednávek do 24 hodin 100% uspěšnosť dodávky
Ohlasy Popis Produktu
Aktuálně nemáme pro tento produkt žádnou recenzi. Můžete být ale první, kdo ji přidá, nebo si můžete přečíst o podobných produktech na stránce s hodnocením.

Přidat Recenzi
Common use

Flonase is used to treat inflammation, allergy, pruritus which appear in patients with allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema, Hyde prurigo nodularis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, Vidal's disease (lichen simplex chronicus), lichen planus, contact hypersensitivity, discoid lupus erythematosus, generalized erythroderma, insect bites, miliaria rubra, seborrheic dermatitis. Its active component, Fluticasone propionate, inhibits proliferation of mast cells, eosinophils, lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils, reduces production and release of inflammation mediators and other biological active substances (histamine, eicosanoids, leukotrienes and cytokines).

Dosage and direction

Flonase can be sold in form of a nasal spray, inhalation aerosol and inhalation powder which are taken orally. Follow all recommendations of your doctor. Do not take doubled dose of the medication.


Cautiousness should be exercised after systemic use of glucocorticoids, especially in patients with adrenal gland disorders. Inhalations of Flonase cannot be used in individuals with pulmonary tuberculosis. Treatment with help of Flonase nasal spray is recommended to be done at regular intervals. Flonase inhalations should not be stopped suddenly. Avoid spraying or getting a cream and ointment in eyes. Steroid medications may increase the risk of infections such as chickenpox and measles, so avoid contact with infected or sick people. Steroid medications can stunt the growth in children and adolescents, so regular monitoring of height and weight is important.


Flonase is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the medication, breastfeeding and pregnant women, children under 1 y.o. and those under 4 y.o. in form of a spray. It cannot be used if you currently have acne (pink and common), perioral dermatitis, perianal and genital itching, primary skin lesions of bacterial, viral and fungal etiology.

Possible side effects

The most usual adverse reactions of Flonase are headache, nasal bleeding, sneezing, cough, nausea, infection of upper respiratory tract, nasal irritation, vomiting. Allergic reactions such as skin rash, itching, facial swelling, and anaphylaxis are possible. High doses of steroid medications and Flonase in particular cause Cushing's syndrome which is characterized by rapid weight gain and changes in the appearance of the face. In rare cases Flonase can facilitate development of fungal infection in the nose and throat such as Candidiasis.

Drug interactions

Concomitant use of Flonase with other steroids such as prednisone and dexamethasone increases risk of developing Cushing's syndrome. Steroids can be included in formulas of asthma inhalers, skin creams, eye and ear drops. Inform your doctor if you are taking ketoconazole, HIV drugs (amprenavir, indinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir, and nelfinavir).

Missed dose

If you forgot to take your dose in time, please do it as soon as you remember. But do not take if it is too late or almost time for your next dose. Do not increase your recommended dose. Take your doses at about the same time each day to avoid missing a dose.


Cushing's syndrome which symptoms are rapid weight gain and changes in the appearance of the face develops from excessive doses of Flonase. Check with your doctor as soon as possible if you suppose that took too much of this medication.


Store at room temperature away from moisture, sunlight, kids and pets in a tight container.


We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.
Michael Been, Londýn
Ceny jsou neuvěřitelně nízké. Pokud nechcete, aby vás oškubali, nakupujte tady. Udělal jsem už dvě objednávky a obě dorazily včas, jak na stránkách slibují.
Peter, Vídeň
Již dříve jsem zkoušel Viagru a Cialis a musím říct, že Levitra způsobuje mnohem méně vedlejších účinků. Po viagře jsem míval příšerné bolesti hlavy, což někdy sex úplně znemožnilo. S přípravkem Levitra mohu na takové problémy zapomenout. Mohu ho vřele ...
Jim, 50, Miláno
Z Filipín jsem si přivezl mladou manželku a navzdory svému věku jsem poměrně silně závislý na sexu. LOL. Cialis beru na podporu libida již téměř půl roku. Dávkování se dá pro různé příležitosti upravovat. A během doby užívání se u mě neprojevily žádné ...
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