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Phill Guess
Guys, you should be very attentive filling up the payment form. My order was blocked because I wanted the drugs to be delivered to my friend while I paid by my credit card and addresses did not coincide. I had phone two times to resolve this with customer ...
David, Bridlington
“I did not want to confess my sexual fail and intimacy problems. After taking it my penis worked as a paving breaker and my wife had no reason to complain during whole night. We hooked on it and purchase with a discount.”
Genazzini Florio, Calziocorte (Lecco), Italy
Everything is ok!! I got the medicines I was waiting for. Thanks for your help and keep up the good work!

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EU regulator rejects Alzheimer's drug lecanemab
It said the benefits of the treatment did not outweigh the risk of serious side effects.
Health regulator not fit for purpose - Streeting
The health secretary says he is stunned by failings in inspecting hospitals, GPs and care homes in England.
‘I’m stuck in a prison’: Disabled and trapped in hospital for 10 months
No suitable home has been found in the community for the 36-year-old, who is disabled.
'Menopause must be treated fairly for women at work'
A mother who says the menopause is "harrowing" backs a study to help employers treat women better.