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Jerry, 57, Munich
“We were at the edge of divorce when I decided to try this. Years and years without delight of orgasm and sexual satisfaction. This could ruin any life but not ours. Viagra worked and I always keep the pill near my bed as nobody knows when my wife asks ...
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I have received the product and wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent customer service. Your company handled all situations professionally. Thank you so much for your prompt attention and I will most definitely order from your ...
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Mesh victims still wait for financial compensation
A year after a major report called for urgent action, no scheme has been put in place to help victims.
Hospitals experience busiest week of winter so far
More than 98,000 patients fill hospital beds, as vomiting-bug cases continue to rise in England.
'Suicide website users encouraged our teen son to drink poison'
Reeling from Vladimir's death, his family reveal the harrowing risks of a website obsessed with dying.
Women with endometriosis earn less, research shows
Researchers suggest that following diagnosis, women may take lower-paid jobs or work fewer hours.